
2019 - 2020 - 2021 目前的教师活动

Welcome to the COE 教师 International webpage. COVID-19 has eliminated all travel from the US to other nations. At the same time international work here in the 教育学院 continues in terms of publishing, 虚拟会议, 复习建议, 国际补助金和奖励, and maintaining international relationships.

Yes, international scholarly activities certainly look differently in 2020. 随着这一切的发生, it must be said that international perspectives are more important to college students than ever before. Our students need to know that education from early childhood to K12 to higher education and adult and community education all look differently around the world. Having an international perspective has always been critically important to being an educated citizen.

It helps that the 教育学院 has an international faculty across departments. 教师 come from around the world including Argentina, 中国, 哥伦比亚, 埃及, 英格兰, 危地马拉, 印度, 伊朗, 牙买加, 马来西亚, 墨西哥, 巴基斯坦, 秘鲁, 南非, 斯里兰卡, 联合王国, 和越南.

The list of international activities below is indeed impressive.

To learn more about international opportunities for students and faculty go to /international/

COE 教师 (Alphabetical Order)


艾琳阿里扎 is our Fulbright Alumni Ambassador since Fall 2009. Among her work she offers predeparture orientations, reviews applications for the Fulbright 埃及ian Student and Scholar Program and the US English Teaching Assistantship program.

  • Eileen serves as on the International Editorial Review Board for The New English Teacher Journal, at Assumption University in Bangkok, 泰国
  • Eileen is an affiliate faculty of the 能力: University 国际委员会, 和平, 司法与人权(PJHR)
  • Her international publications appeared in The International Journal of Diversity in 教育 (with Bousalia and Lapp), and in The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 第二版. 约翰一世编辑. 狮子(受邀)(与E. 布朗).
  • Her international presentations (virtual) have been with B. 布朗,年代. 拉普兰人,米. 芒福德和A. 萨利赫).
  • Eileen was an invited speaker three times in March at the University of 马耳他, as featured speaker for the 70th session in the 马耳他 Review of 教育al 研究 (MRER) lecture series, Msida, 马耳他, 两次在感应中心, 在Naxxar, 马耳他.
  • Eileen and Susanne Lapp (能力) gave a Radio Interview, “Eds谈话,” the radio series about the use of educational technologies in migrant education, 生活, 在马耳他. The interview will be aired on Campus FM radio 103.7) towards the end of the year, and will be available as a webcast on the campus FM website: http://campusfm.um.edu/mt/  马耳他瓦莱塔,.
  • Dr. Ariza is also on the 能力 Student Fulbright ETA (English Teaching Assistant) Committee, where she works with students applying for Fulbright ETA posts, 和访谈. 她的能力学生候选人, who are are applying for Germany, 保加利亚, 和哥伦比亚, 都很强壮. She has at least 6 能力 students applying for Fulbrights to teach English abroad.

艾琳阿里扎 speaking to a crowd


Maysaa诺曼 is proud to announce the publication of her edited book (with Dr. 马列拉Rodriguez) Immigrant 教师 in the Academy: Narratives of identity, resilience and action by 劳特利奇 Immigrant 教师 in the Academy: Narratives of identity, resilience and action by 劳特利奇. Many of the chapters were authored by 能力 faculty including 迪莉斯Schoorman, 约翰哈德, Sabrina Sembiente和其他人.

  • Maysaa, who is the Coordinator of the 能力-埃及 Project invited the following 能力 faculty (alphabetical order) 爱尔兰共和军Bogotch, 詹妮弗·弗里兰, 约翰哈德, 帕特Maslin-Ostrowski, 丹尼尔Reyes-Guerra, 迪莉斯Schoorman, 塞布丽娜Sembiante, 罗伯特·肖克利, and Michelle Vaughan to contribute to the following book about the 教育第一基金会 initiatives, edited by Salma El Bakry and Mohammad Hamza. The book will describe the 能力-BalancED partnership, visits and training in Cairo. 阿拉伯语教育第一
  • 和其他能力教员一样, Maysaa had a number of international presentations canceled due to COVID-19.
  • Maysaa诺曼 and 丹尼尔Reyes-Guerra have submitted a USAID Grant to continue their work in 埃及 with BalancED, 教育第一基金会, 和教育部.


珍妮花 has been in early discussions with TecMilenio University in 墨西哥 to translate Appreciative Advising materials and offerings into Spanish.


爱尔兰共和军Bogotch 与K .合编了一本书. asrar & J. 布鲁克斯)(9月. 2019). 教育, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World, 翡翠出版商, UK

  • Ira与B. Faubert等人.) in the International Journal of Leadership 教育 and (with S. 鲍尔 & E. Su-Keane) in the Turkish journal 研究 in 教育al Administration & Leadership, Guest Editor, Scott Eacott.
  • Ira wrote the foreword, Their stories become our stories, in M. 诺曼 & M. 罗德里格斯(共同编辑). Immigrant 教师 in the Academy: Narratives of Identity, Resilience, and Action. 劳特利奇, and another foreword, Refugee 教育: An Unexpected Gift to Welcoming 社区 in K. asrar’s book School Leadership for Refugees’ 教育: Social justice leadership for immigrant, 移民和难民. 劳特利奇
  • 教育, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World 教育 and Social Justice: Aspirations and Realities 7月23日, 2020, I participated in a Webinar on 教育 and Social Justice: Aspirations and Realities. His talk was titled, The Third and Fourth Dimensions of Leadership for Social Justice. 组织者,教授. Dr. Abdelaziz Zohri School of Business & Management (ENCG) University Hassan First of Settat, Morocco, & Dr. Rania Sawalhi 教育学院, Qatar University Co-founder Eduenterprise

Rina Bousalis presentation in Milan, Italy, (2020). Immigrant 学生: Assets to the Social Studies Curriculum. Session presenter at the Twentieth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, 社区 & Nations, at the University of Milan, Italy June 10-12, 2020.


布朗维多利亚: I am currently working with a private K12 school in Bogota, 哥伦比亚 in training their teachers for online teaching. I am completing a study of the teachers’ self—efficacy in using distance learning tools to teach the students.


阿里Danesh is an associate editor for the International Journal of Audiology

International Journal of Audiology


苏珊丹尼特 facilitated a research study class this summer where she and ten graduate students conducted a systematic literature review of Leadership Practices in Europe During a Crisis. The students worked in country cluster groups to review the practices of various European leaders during the Covid-19 crisis and other crises. Dr. Dennett and her students plan to submit their findings for a research conference presentation either late fall or early spring, and plan to submit an article for publication.

苏珊将参加, and submitted a conference proposal to Eucen Virtual University Lifelong Learning on her research titled: High Touch, High Feel in the Virtual Classroom: Lessons learned from a reflective practitioner. Eucen is an organization based in Europe, comprising of lifelong learning institutions and continuing education institutions from 34 countries.


丹尼尔Reyes-Guerra was among many faculty with international presentations canceled. 这里有三个例子:

  • 诺曼,M. & Reyes-Guerra D. (2020年8月25日至28日). School Leadership and Inclusive 教育: Leading diverse schools. The European Conference on 教育al 研究 (ECER), Glasgow http://www.conftool.com/ecer2020/  (会议取消).
  • Reyes-Guerra D., & 诺曼,M. (2020年8月25日至28日). The Centrality of Leadership in Social, Emotional, Instercultural/Transcultural Learning. The European Conference on 教育al 研究 (ECER), Glasgow http://www.conftool.com/ecer2020/  (会议取消).
  • 诺曼,M. & Reyes-Guerra D. (2020年7月1日至3日). Comprehensive multicultural understandings: Synthesizing current competency frameworks. World 教育 研究 Association (WERA), Santiago de Compostela, Spain http://wera-compostela.com/  (会议推迟).
  • 和, 像珍妮布鲁姆, Daniel has been in talks with the Fundación Empresarial para el Desarrollo Educativo (FEPADE), an NGO that works with the Ministry of 教育 of El Salvador. We have been negotiating around AID and other granting opportunities to develop school leaders in terms of social and emotional learning leadership as well as trauma-informed leadership given the economic and gang-related trauma and impediments that public schools are facing.


迪莉斯Schoorman had a number of international publications (with K. Waldon) International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, (with H. Zainuddin, & R. Sena) Diaspora, Immigrant and Migrant 教育, (with R. Shah和A. Leichtman) in Multicultural 教育 Review [Special Issue].

  • 如上所述, Dilys has chapters in two edited books on with Maysaa诺曼, the other with our 埃及ian partners.
  • Like many 能力 faculty with family abroad, Dilys has been in Zoom contact with elderly relatives in 斯里兰卡


罗伯特·肖克利 is Editorial board member of the 马来西亚 Journal titled - The 教育al Leader (Pemimpin Pendidikan)

Conducting research on teacher satisfaction with colleagues at the University of Malaya. 肖克利R.,闫丽,S.迪多诺,M., Na, J., & Sriyanto J.,(回顾中). Weighted Balance Satisfaction Instrument: Assessing Teacher Job Satisfaction. 应用心理学杂志.


玛丽亚Vasquez will be on Sabbatical in Spring, 2021 conducting research in her birth country of 秘鲁.


戴尔·威廉姆斯 will be a participant in the 2020 International Stuttering Awareness Day on-line conference in October

戴尔·威廉姆斯 is a subject of the documentary “When I Stutter” to be shown virtually by the Australian Speak Easy Association. Dr. Williams will participate in a panel after the showing.