Rules, Policies, & Procedures

Parking on campus can be overwhelming until you know the rules. Here is a quick list of do's & dont's in order to keep your University experience citation free!

  • Park in lot colors that correspond to your virtual ePermit color.
  • Do not park at meters if you have any ePermit.
  • Always park your vehicle head in.
  • ePermits are not transferable. I如果您将在任何时候使用租赁或借用其他车辆,请将车辆信息添加到您的电子停车许可证中.
  • NEVER park in a Disabled Spot unless you are a current disabled placard holder.
  • Always park between the lines in designated spaces. 把车停在路边或在停车场“创造自己的停车位”会导致交通中断,甚至会因为挡住紧急车辆而把其他人置于危险境地.
  • 总是早点到,给自己足够的时间去找停车位和去上课. FAU有很多景点可供选择,但其中一些确实需要步行或乘坐班车.


For the most current parking regulations, please see FAU Parking Regulations.

Partner Campus Parking

Each FAU campus is unique when it comes to parking rules. Please see below on how to properly park on the following campuses.

  • FAU Dania Beach (SeaTech)
    A valid FAU ePermit is required to park in the lot.

  • FAU Davie
    学生停车场遍布校园,并向持有有效电子许可证的学生车辆开放. 教师/工作人员的地段有明确的标记,任何时候都不对学生开放.  ePermits can be acquired online at FAU Parking Login. More information on BC parking.

  • FAU Fort Lauderdale (Downtown Campus)

    在劳德代尔堡的停车场停车需要一个停车吊牌. The area reserved for FAU students is located on the 6th floor, section A,C, E and on the roof top – 7th floor. 请与我们的办公室联系,以取得有效的停车许可证. 请务必熟悉劳德代尔堡的停车规则和规定.泊车位以先到先得方式提供,未必预留泊车位d. 


    学生只可于星期一至星期五下午六时至早上五时将车停在地面停车场(高等商学院北面), and all day on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • FAU Harbor Branch (HBOI)
    A valid FAU ePermit is required to park in lot. Visitors will need to park in the metered lot and pay the meter.

  • FAU Jupiter
    Students are allowed to park in blue permit lots. Faculty and Staff lots are designated by red lines. 游客将需要在计价器处停车并付费,或者使用ParkMobile应用程序.

  • Palm Beach State College
    棕榈滩州立学院颁发的许可证仅在博卡拉顿校区的19号地段和1号车库有效. 棕榈滩州立学院的许可证在任何其他FAU校区都无效. 当车辆同时拥有FAU电子许可证和棕榈滩州立学院的许可证时, FAU电子许可证将优先决定车辆的停车资格. PBSC Parking Policies


How to obtain an FAU Permit


Policies and Procedures

  • Courtesy Appointments
    In a memorandum from the Provost dated February 6, 2003, 礼遇任命被定义为大学的无薪任命,并提供特殊特权. 这份备忘录授予的特权之一是购买停车许可证的能力.

    有礼貌预约的个人有资格购买年度教职员工电子许可证,价格为72美元 Adjunct Professor rates. To purchase your parking ePermit, 请携带印有大学抬头的聘书复印件和车辆登记到停车和交通办公室

  • FAU's E-mail Policy
    所有学生至少每两周检查一次FAU的电子邮件账户是很重要的.  此电子邮件帐户是FAU用于与学生就财务义务进行沟通的官方方法.  If you are having problems setting up your FAU e-mail account, 请致电561-297-3999或免费电话866-885-8325与FAU计算机服务台联系.  Additionally, the following website may also be useful

    Important Reminder: FAU社区中的许多人将FAU电子邮件转发到个人电子邮件帐户,结果他们注意到他们没有收到所有FAU邮件或邮件延迟.  FAU is now using e-mail for much of its communication, such as student bills, financial aid disbursements, and emergency notices.  FAU建议您不要将FAU的电子邮件转发到个人电子邮件帐户.  If an e-mail gets lost, it will not be able to be retrieved.

  • Student Records and Privacy (FERPA)
    Pursuant to Public Law 93-380, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, KU体育官网APP建议学生及其家长了解与学生记录有关的某些做法和程序.  一旦学生年满18岁或参加了高等教育课程, parents no longer have any rights to student information under this act.  However, parents can obtain access to their student’s account activity.  学生可以给学生账户办公室书面同意发布信息给他们的父母通过填写 Authorization to Release Financial Records form. 填写完整的表格授权KU体育官网APP学生经济援助办公室和学生账户办公室披露FERPA定义的财务记录. 提醒:如需查阅学生成绩,请与教务处联系.

    My Parents Use the Password-protected Services for Online Billing?
    从法律的角度来看,学生,而不是家长,是大学的客户.  The university therefore, 法律上是否有义务为每个学生提供创建自己个性化的用户名和密码的手段,并拒绝任何没有有效用户名和密码的人访问机密信息.  In other words, 每位学生必须自行决定是否向家长或监护人提供其个人用户名和密码.  尽管出于方便和权宜之计的考虑,学校通常鼓励与家长分享这些信息, 这样做的决定取决于学生,而不是大学.

    More Information on FERPA

  • Temporary Workers